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14  Italy Photos
  Photographer: Tal Naveh    E-300   Photographer: Oded Baron    POWERSHOT S2 IS   Photographer: Zeev Mendelovitch    EOS DIGITAL REBEL XTI   Photographer: Oshrit Avergil    POWERSHOT A710 IS   Photographer: Uri Igra    Photographer: Joseph Gruber    ILCE-7M3   Photographer: yemimah Feldman    D50   E5400   Photographer: Giorgio Fubini    D5000   D750   FinePix S5600   Photographer: moshe mallal    D600   Photographer: Itamar Taoz    EOS 550D   World & Travel    Nature    sport    City & Architecture    landscape Gallery    Trees Gallery    water Gallery    water sport Gallery    Shores Gallery    Sunsets Gallery    Parks & Gardens Gallery    Italy Gallery    Old architecture Gallery    Structures and Buildings Gallery    Doors and gates Gallery    Seasons & Weather Gallery    Lakes & Rivers Gallery